Mine is neat and in place, curls are making their escapes as I look at her. She still hasn't said a word and sits silently looking out of the window. Tony has managed to stretch his long frame out as much as humanly possible in the sedan.
I attempt to sing along with Carrie Underwood as "blown away" plays on the radio. I try and pretend that this is a normal road trip. "If we were simply going on a family vacation right now where would we be going?" I ask Tony. He turns his head to face me and says "Florida. I would love to explore Disney world with Misha." He looks back at her and she smiles. I inhale and say "we'll plan that trip soon."
When I pull my attention back to the road I have to lower my speed for the black SUV in front of me. I check my rear view mirror and see another one behind me. Not wanting to be paranoid I ask Tony. "Does it feel like we're surrounded?" He looks around and says "try to pass the one in front." I check the opposite lane and see that's it's free of traffic. I step on the accelerator and pass the first car. At first all is well. Then after about ten minutes the SUV I passed changes lanes as if to pass me. Once the SUV is next to me I look over and see that the driver is not attempting to pass me, but to run me off the road. I speed up and jerk the steering wheel to the right driving into the woods. The car bumps along before coming to a stop about half a mile in from the road.
I get out of the car and grab my backpack. Tony does the same while I help Misha out. The sound of on coming vehicles better equipped for off roading reaches my ears. I turn to Misha and say "remember where the car is. When I tell you, I want you to come here and hide in the car ok." She nods her head yes. The three of us head deeper into the woods.
We hike a little further in, but not so far that Misha won't be able to return to the car. When I think we're in well enough to hide I give Misha one of the car keys. She takes it from me and puts it into the pocket of her jeans. Tony taps me on the shoulder. When I turn around he points to our right and I see a rustling in the trees, then hear deep male voices moments later. This is it I think. I signal to
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