Thursday, July 2, 2015

Wind Keeper: Now

  I no longer have a sense of smell but with deep concentration I am able to see what is happening. A crater large enough to swallow several people is open in the earth. Across from the crater are tall flames flicking there way over the ground and towards what stands  in the middle. My beautiful wife Roxie and my five year old daughter Misha. Misha has Roxie's waist in a death grip. I want to help but in this form there's nothing I can do. I hover above them in the trees wishing with all my spirit that I could save them.
   Roxie raises her hands and I watch as she uses her power to push the flames back towards their source. A man dressed in black pants and a red,yellow and orange shirt that appears to have been tie dyed so that he looks like walking flames. He absorbs the fire into his palms and through his mouth. He let's out a puff of smoke and leers at my girls. He speaks to them, but I can't make it out from so high up. I imagine wrapping hands around his neck and squeezing the life out of him. I know that's not a possibility so I lower myself and breeze around Roxie and Misha hoping they can feel me.
        At that moment an all black SUV screeches to a halt in front of them and I return to the trees. Alexis my brother's best friend exits the vehicle and looks around. She's enraged by the spectacle and it's written clearly on her face. Alexis sits down with her back to one of the trees and places one hand on the trunk and the other hand on the ground. I start to lower myself again and the deep longing to help returns. I see the crater start to seal just before Roxie grabs Misha and makes a break for it to the waiting SUV. The driver leans out of the window and I see my big brother looking stricken. He and Roxie are beckoning  to Alexis. I learned what feels like a very long time ago that Alexis' impure blood line limits her ability to use her powers and recover. I focus again and see that not only did she close the crater but she created a barrier of tree branches that is now being burned to ash. Alexis slumps against the tree. She is now completely drained and the SUV that carries my wife, daughter and brother speeds away. The man wearing the ridiculous outfit gives up his efforts to burn through the barrier and runs off in the opposite direction. 
    My energy hovers in front of Alexis and I beg mother earth and father God to make me whole again. A few moments pass and the there is a change in the wind that only I can detect as I'm now just as much a part of the wind as it is of me. The wind picks up faster and stronger whirling around my energy and I begin to have a sensation that I am back in the world. I stretch what feels like an arm out in front of me and see what looks to be a ghostly version of one. I do the same with one of my legs then the other. I have a corporal form again at least a version of one. 
 "Alexis" I whisper barely making a sound. She does not stir and I see the palm that's resting on the bottom trunk of the tree starting to join with it. The bark has begun to creep over her hand and the skin there is starting to change to the color or bark. "Alexis" I shout this time and it comes out with the force of a hurricane. Her eyes open and she looks at me in shock. 
     "Well I've died" she says. "I'm glad I went out in a blaze of glory" she says with a slight smirk.
     "You're not dead" I say. "I am, sort of. but you've got life left in you. So you have to get up and get inside"
      "What?" She asks still in disbelief. "Jayson? You better not be alive or I'm gonna have to kick your ass for leaving Roxie alone with a baby." 
     "Look it's a long story and I don't know how much time I'll have in this ghost form. First things first you need to get your hand off that tree before you become a part of it permanently". Alexis struggles but after a few tries she manages to break free of the tree. She lifts her other hand from under the pile of dirt that had begun to creep its way over her body hoping to keep her once she was ready to be fully returned to the earth. Alexis gets to her feet then heads to the cabin limping and taking heavy breaths the whole way. I float behind her in my ghostly form. When Alexis finally reaches the cabin she opens the door and steps inside. Before I follow I ask "do you think they'll come back"
  "No. They think I'm dead. No one will be coming back here" she replies. I float in after her and she slams the door shut behind me.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Elementals: After

    We've been living in the safe house the four of us for three months. There has been no hiding of our true selves here.
Many of our former neighbors have moved on and the few who remain only have vague memories of Tony and I living there in the past. Since we left the house has remained empty. Tony had a savings account setup that continued to pay a gardener to take care of the yard and a cleaning service to keep the house tidy and discourage squatters. 
     Today is a beautiful day. The sun is shining in it's full glory through the windows. I sit on an arm chair half reading the newspaper half enjoying the heat from the sun. Tony and Alexis come out of their room and sit down on a couch across from me. Misha comes in behind them grinning ear to ear.  Her birthday was last month. Six year old Misha is more independent and confident . "Guess what." She tells me. "What?" I reply jokingly. "I get to have my own room." She says proudly. "That's great." I say trying to sound enthusiastic when really my heart sinks. I look at Tony and Alexis who are wearing slightly guilty expressions. Tony starts "it's time for us to go back." "Don't you worry though. We'll be keeping an eye on you and this little warrior" Alexis says smiling at Misha. I try to hide my disappointment and say "who am I to get in the way of true love? Seriously We'll be ok. You're right it's time for us to be on our own and for you to have your own lives." Then there are hugs all around. 
   Tony and Alexis stay until the evening. As we eat a dinner of steak and potatoes that Alexis graciously put together I finally ask "how did you find us?" Alexis smiles and says "that night I felt myself laying on the ground near the tree. My body tried to return to the earth but my mind refused. I continued to fight it. Just as I thought I would lose the fight I received some help from an old friend." She says nothing more and I decide not to force the issue.
        After dinner they bring luggage that Tony purchased this afternoon out of their room and outside to the BMW. Misha starts to cry a little as we get in our goodbyes. She sniffles and tries to suck it up when Alexis calls her little warrior and tells her to protect me when they're gone. Misha and I stand on the porch watching the black car taking away two of the people we love most in this world. 
    We go inside and Misha heads straight into her new bedroom. I on the other hand go the hallway where a painting of the garden of Eden is hanging. I give the right side of the canvas a small push and the entire painting slides to the left revealing a wall safe. I punch my code on the digital keypad and the safe opens. I pull out a small box that needs a key to open it. I pull the chain that holds the key from around my neck. I've made a habit of wearing it letting the cool metal remind me of who I really and and what I'm capable of becoming. I insert the key and the box opens. 
   The melodic sound of my mother's voice comes out of the box. "Roxie my love I've saved these things for you. Should you ever feel you've lost your true self look inside." I want to play the recording over and over to hear my mother's voice, but I stop myself. Inside the box are journals filled with more information than I thought possible about Elementals. The last journal is held closed by a chain from which a gold locket hangs. On the front of the journal In my mother's handwriting are two words "The Four". This journal is the one that will help Misha should she develop power over all four elements.
    I take the last journal out and close the box. I hear the lock click back in place. After I've returned the box to the safe I move the garden of Eden painting back in place. Before I can head to my room I'm startled by a loud rapping on the front door. I'm not expecting anyone, I think maybe Tony and Alexis have forgotten something. Misha comes out of her room curious to see who's at the door. I look through the peephole in the front door and think I've lost it for sure. There is no way I'm seeing this. When I open the door I know it's not a fantasy. Standing in front of me is a tall man with brown hair and gleaming hazel eyes. Jayson has returned to us. 

Elementals 30

       Tony and I move out of the trees and follow them at a distance. We are as quiet as possible and the men don't seem to notice us. My mind works away trying to formulate a plan. How can we go in, grab Misha and get out of there safely? The men stop at a small clearing where a circle of people dressed in hooded white robes stand. Mr. Flames practically drags little Misha into the center. A chant that I can't quite make out begins as the retrievers step to the outside of the circle. Immediately the fever dream I had flashes into my mind. Only this is worse because Misha is only five and she's standing quietly in the circle looking terrified and confused. She's not tied in anyway and part of me wishes she'd make a run for it. 
    I inch closer and Tony does the same. My body is so warm I think maybe the fever is returning. When we are closer I hear an elder demanding a display of power from Misha. She stands there motionless unable to demonstrate powers that she does not have or is not yet in control of. The wind rustles leaves in the trees above her and I think is that Misha? Then the elder who apparently feels Misha's stillness is an act of defiance slaps her across the face. 
     I see nothing but bright red, flecks of orange and I smell fire. I charge into the circle of retrievers who jump out of my way. Then through to the elders who are gasping in shock. When I reach out to grab the one who is still standing in front of Misha I see that my entire arm is engulfed in flames. The elder's eyes grow large in suprise. I look down and see my legs and feet are also engulfed in flames. I realize then that my entire body is covered with flames. I can't feel them, but I can sense them. My hand connects with the elder's robes. I pull him towards me and away from Misha. He let's out a guttural scream as his robes erupt in flames. I wrap him into a flame laced hug and let go when the smell of burned flesh reaches my nose. He falls to the ground and I don't dare look at what I've done.
    Misha stares at he mother a monster whose body is covered in angry flames. She decides that this is the moment to run. Her legs move swiftly and at one point I swear she is no longer touching the ground running on the wind. The elders and retrievers have scattered caring more about saving themselves then recapturing Misha. I want to go after her but I hesitate. I look around remembering that Tony was here with me. My eyes find him just as what looks like and ocean wave washes over me. The fresh water puts me out completely. I am Roxie again. My stomach knots when I think of what I've done to an elder. I push the thought away, now is not the time. 
   Tony jogs into the woods and I follow as best I can with my t-shirt and jeans heavy from the water. We wind up back at the farmhouse and find that Misha has returned there and so has the retriever Mr. Flames. I try to light up again but nothing happens. I must have used up my stores of energy earlier. Tony doesn't bother with his water he knows water against fire can result in an endless standoff. 
    The retriever is holding Misha in front of him one arms across her chest. I make a step forward and the retriever says "don't even think about it" His finger tips spark. I stand there watching Misha. She appears un afraid. There are no tears  this time and something is gleaming in her right hand. Misha's gaze is locked onto Tony. Tony has one hand behind his back. What happens next is lightening fast. Tony nods his head yes, the small dagger slides down until Misha's small hand is holding it by the hilt. She reaches up in a flash and stabs the retriever in the arm. He groans and his hand falls away. Misha darts off to the side of the farm house where she is cut off by a sleek black BMW sedan. Then a gun shot rings out. I turn my attention away from Misha and see the retriever laying on his back blood seeping from a bullet wound. Tony is standing in the same spot with his arm stretched out holding a gun. "Tony?" I say surprised by the seen in front of me. He slides the gun into the back of his jeans and tugs his T-shirt down over it. Tony heads toward the BMW where Misha is standing frozen by the driver's side. I follow. As we get closer I realize that this particular car looks familiar.
      When Tony and I are close the driver's side door opens and out steps a very weak looking Alexis. My jaw drops just as she says "the three of you look like crap." Tony doesn't hesitate he takes a few purposeful strides towards her, then placing his hands on each side of her face he looks into her eyes and gives her a passionate kiss. While Tony and Alexis have their reunion I carefully approach Misha. I don't say anything instead I bend down and open my arms. Misha runs into them and I sweep her up to my chest. "Mommy " she whispers. "Yes. It's me. Mommy is here now." I say. A cool breeze wraps itself around us. I can hear Jayson's voice on the wind. "I love you. I'll see you soon." I look around but see nothing. "Alright everyone into the car. We have a safe house to get to." Alexis says. We pile into the car Tony at the wheel and head off into the night. I sit in the back seat with Misha one of her hands in mine. After everything we've been through my heart fills with hope from the whisper of a promise on the wind. 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Elementals 29

   When the wind guide reaches the car it steadies itself in the trees. I go to the car and tell Tony "get in". He slides into the driver's side and I ride shotgun. I keep my eyes on the trees and watch the wind lead us north. We come to a fork in the road and Tony asks "what should we do?" I pause tracking the wind in the trees with all my senses. It appears to gather itself to one side and I say "take the right side". We are now heading east on a road that no one would know was there. I see what looks like a small farm house in the distance. The wind picks up speed and Tony presses the accelerator trying to keep up. 
    The breaks screech and I'm thrown forward thankfully my seatbelt stops me from going through the windshield. In front of me parked near the farmhouse is the rental car. "Bastard" I say to myself as I eye the car which has remained in perfect condition. "Now what?" Tony asks looking to me for direction. It's strange to me how our roles have changed. Now I'm the one teaching, leading the way. "First we get out of this car and hide. Someone is bound to have heard us making all that noise." We slip quietly out of the car and off of to the left of the house where the grass is overgrown and the tree line is thick. I decide that it must be rare for anyone to come out here and take care of the yard work. 
   "Where do you think they would have her?" Tony muses. I rub my sweaty palms on my jeans and say "likely inside being guarded. Mr. Flames has to have known we'd come for her." "I wonder what's she feeling. I hope she knows we'd never leave her behind."Tony says this with determination in his voice. I put a finger to my lips to quiet him. The back door of the farm house has opened and a group of people are walking out. Among them is a man dressed like walking flames and he's holding my Misha tightly by the arms as he pulls her along with him. She doesn't make a sound not even when her beautiful hazel eyes meet mine. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Elementals 28

  We've been driving for over an hour and have yet to see any sign of the kidnapper. I'm starting to lose hope that we'll ever catch up to him this way. The night has fallen and the sky has turned jet black. We can only see the road because of the headlights. "Pull over." I order Tony. "What? Why?" He asks. "I want to try an intercession. It's something my mother taught me." Tony pulls the Homda over and I get out heading for the woods. I hear a beep and soon after footsteps behind me. "Had to lock the car. Don't want anyone stealing it." He jokes. I find a spot that is still close enough to the road that we can make out the outline of the car. 
    I sit on the soft ground that is slightly damp with evening moisture and cross my legs. I gesture to Tony for him to do the same. He struggles a bit getting his tall frame to the ground but after a minute or two he is sitting cross legged across from me. "Give me your hands." Tony stretches out his long arms then places his hands in mine. "We need to ask Mother Nature for a guide and we must ask God for protection." I say. "How?" Tony asks confusion on his face. "We put the feeling that yearning into our minds then into our powers." I explain to him. "Close your eyes and concentrate on that." I say. After Tony's eyes close and his face is marked by concentration I close my eyes too. "Great Mother and Holy Father we ask for your blessings." I murmur this then I dig deep and place all of my need to find Misha into my powers. As the heat creeps up my body I feel Tony let go of my hands. Every inch of me feels like it's burning even my eyes although they are shut. Still I concentrate until I feel the night air encircling me. 
      I calm myself with deep breaths and reign in the fire. When I open my eyes Tony is sitting in front of me his hands touching the ground on either side of him absorbing the water he must have created during our intercession. The air moves from around me and a light breeze brushes through the grass between us before moving in the direction of our car. "Follow it." I say feeling sure that we have been sent a wind guide. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Elementals 27

       When the red fades to blue and the world comes back into focus I realize that I'm drenched. My hair and clothes are dripping and sticking to my body. Tony is standing in front of me with his hands out. He drops them when my gaze meets his eyes. "What the hell did you do that for?" I scream still a bit hysterical. "You needed to cool down and fast." He says looking anxious. 
      "We have to do something. We have to call Alex..." I start then trail off. It hits me again. I can't call Alexis. It's up to me and Tony to get Misha back, Tony rests a palm on each of my shoulders and says
"We can't call anyone for help. There is no one to call. We have to calm down and find transportation." I take a deep breath and nod my head yes. Tony grabs one of my hands and we head back to the main road.
    Once we make it to the main road I sit at where to road and the woods meet. My heart pounds in my chest as I try to fight the panic. "What now?" I ask. "Now I get us a ride." Tony replies. He walks up the road and and looks around. Tony squats down and places a hand on the road creating a thin layer of ice. 
    The next car to come up the road a blue Honda spins out followed by the next a gray corolla. I feel bad taking someone's car, but I need to get Misha back. Tony approaches the young man at the steering wheel of the blue Honda.  I can't quite see what Tony does but he helps the man out of the car and over to the gray corolla. A conversation takes place then the corolla drives away. Tony waves me over.
     I get in the car with Tony and he speeds away in the direction we saw the flaming man go. "How did you get the car ?" I ask. "Poor guy was pretty banged up. I told him that I would stay behind and call a tow truck. The guy in the second car drove him to the hospital" "You are a genius!" I say. "Now let's go get my baby back. We burn rubber leaving a cloud of smoke behind us. 

Elementals 26

      I have never felt heat like this before. My body seems to be burning from the inside out. I know that I will be able to create massive fireballs and flames that will instantly insinerate anything they touch. Tony streches next to me and shakes out his arms. When he's done he stands strong and tall and ready to drown the first man to come through the trees. 
      "This way." I hear someone say. The two men appear.  They stop moving forward once they lay eyes on us. "There you are?" The second one says. This time they do not negotiate. The first man who is shorter and husky leans one hand on a tree that begins to grow rapidly. The roots shoot out and before I have a chance to dodge they wrap themselves around my ankles. I see Tony staring at me in awe. He creates a stream of water and it jets towards our attackers. The roots continue wrapping themselves up my legs. A massive wind is blowing the stream of water back towards Tony.                    
    "Focus" I tell myself. I take my hands which are still free and grasp the roots. It takes only seconds for me to turn them to ash. When I'm free I run to Tony's side throwing fireballs at his attacker. The addition of the air from the wind makes the fireballs explode into a thick wall of fire between us. Our pursuers are trapped. I grab Tony's shirt and say "let's go." When we start jogging back towards the car I see that my hands have burned a small hole in Tony's shirt.
      I'm out of breath when we get back to the car. Tony's breath is steady and easy. I kick myself for not training enough. The car is just where we left it, sitting undisturbed. As Tony and I approach it I hear a quiet whimpering. We turn in the direction of the noise and see The man who looks like walking flames holding Misha to him with a knife at her throat. "Try anything and ..." He makes a gesture with the knife indicating that he'll cut her throat. "You wouldn't dare." Tony growls at him. "Oh I would. Not everyone believes she is so special and if she is, why should she be allowed to be so powerful?" He presses the knife into her neck and I see a pindrop of blood form there. Tears roll down my Misha's cheeks but she does not call out to me. 
   The walking flames jiggles the key I'd given Misha from his free hand. Tony and I stand frozen watching in horror. "Good don't move. Now me and the girl are going to get in the car and we're going to meet up with some friends of mine. Don't worry I'll keep her safe." He says this all with a menacing tone. Then he drags Misha along with him and into the driver's side of the car. I'm assuming so he doesn't have to walk around and we won't be able to do anything without hurting Misha in the process. He guns the engine and drives away. My heart shatters and my legs feel weak. Then everything goes Red.